Aesthetics & Spa

At The South Bend Clin­ic Aes­thet­ics & Spa, you will find a per­fect blend of advanced med­ical exper­tise, aes­thet­ic prod­ucts, seren­i­ty, and state-of-the-art equip­ment. As a prac­tice, we ensure that your ques­tions are answered and that you are com­plete­ly com­fort­able and at ease dur­ing your vis­it. Under the direc­tion of der­ma­tol­o­gist Dr. Todd Rozy­c­ki, our team includes only board-cer­ti­fied and licensed clin­i­cians to ensure the high­est qual­i­ty results through clear, accu­rate, suc­cess­ful, and safe practice. 

Whether you want to enhance the nat­ur­al beau­ty of your face or lips, remove unwant­ed body hair, enjoy a relax­ing facial treat­ment, elim­i­nate super­fi­cial veins of the face, shape your body, or reduce signs of aging with­out sur­gi­cal inter­ven­tion, our spa team aspires to pro­vide you with the per­fect blend of skin­care and renew­al treat­ments to help you look and feel your best.